Current publications

Alms, K., Ahrens, B., Graf, M., & Nehler, M. (2023). Linking geological and infrastructural requirements for large-scale underground hydrogen storage in Germany. Frontiers in Energy Research, 11, 1172003.

Alms, K., Berndsen, M., Groeneweg, A., Graf, M., Nehler, M., & Ahrens, B. (2023). Underground Hydrogen Storage in the Bunter Sandstone Formation in the North German Basin: Capacity Assessment and Geochemical Modeling. Energy Technology, 2300847.

Graf, M. E. A., Pieton, N., Herbst, A., & Alms, K. (2024). # 9_Wasserstoff im Untergrund speichern?. H2 Potential - # 9_Wasserstoff im Untergrund speichern? (

Geothermales Lithium:
Alms, K., Groeneweg, A., and Heinelt, M.: Lithium prospectivity and capacity assessment in the North German Basin, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16282,

Groeneweg, A., Heinelt, M., & Alms, K. (2023). Lithium Prospectivity in the Northeast German and Thuringian Ba-sins. Symposium on Energy Geotechnics 2023, 1–3.

Alms, K., Jagert, F., Blömer, J., & Gehrke, I. (2022). Co-production of geothermal energy and lithium from geothermal waters. In European Congress.

No energy and mobility transition without lithium. The production of a single battery for an electric car requires around 10 kg of lithium is required. So far, the demand in Germany has been met exclusively covered by imports. Whether lithium can be extracted as a by-product of domestic geothermal geothermal energy production in the future, we have investigated in our latest publication.

Click here for the study

A key finding of the study is that there is sufficient lithium in the geological of the North German and Thuringian Basin contains sufficient lithium is available. The estimated capacity across all target horizons is 4.73 million tonnes tonnes with a possible range of 0.39 to 26.51 million tonnes of lithium tonnes of lithium (metal) and could be sufficient for decades.

The most promising resources are in the Permian deposits in the southern and eastern deposits on the southern and eastern edges of the basin, however, these are mostly associated with low permeabilities.

A decoupling of lithium production from geothermal energy production energy production could therefore become necessary and require new development concepts.

However, there are also locally favourable hydraulic conditions that allow a combination of geothermal energy and lithium production. These local deposits will be the focus of our work next year. focus of our work next year.