M.Sc. Stefan Stürmer

I develop thermo-hydraulic models to increase the operational safety and economic efficiency of mine heat storage systems. These models are used, for example, in field tests at the Fraunhofer IEG where a small mine is being developed as part of the WINZER project. The aim here is to model the geomechanical effects that arise when the small mine is used as a seasonal heat storage facility and thus as a reaction to the cyclical thermal load on the subsurface. As a result, statements can be made about the efficiency of heat storage and possible risks can be identified and future locations evaluated.

a) Digitized model of the small IEG mine in GMSH based on old mine plans b) Layout of the core structures of the MTES system with injection well MO1, extraction well MP1 and the level “Ort 4” into which the water heated by solar thermal energy is injected.
a) Digitized model of the small IEG mine in GMSH based on old mine plans b) Layout of the core structures of the MTES system with injection well MO1, extraction well MP1 and the level “Ort 4” into which the water heated by solar thermal energy is injected.
Pressure development [in MPa] in the subsurface after twelve days of feeding warm water into the subsurface.
Pressure development [in MPa] in the subsurface after twelve days of feeding warm water into the subsurface.